Zoom piano lessons for children

Piano Guitar Singing

To Inspire The Love Of Music In Everyone

boyplaying- gittar

Reach Your Musical Goals

Faster & Easier


We Help People Learn

How To Play Music

Training Service

Have you always wanted to learn the guitar but thought it was too late because:

– you’re too old

– you’re too busy

– you’re too tall (okay, that last one is just silly)

There is a saying about the guitar: easy to learn. Difficult to master. So what does that mean for you? That means that you can be playing songs, riffs and gut-busting solos fairly quickly!

Lessons are designed for each student. Let’s face it, the guy who wants to melt faces at the lip of an arena stage has different goals than the guy wanting to lead worship at his local church. It also goes without saying that the gal who wants to accompany herself while singing at weddings has different goals than the mom who just wants to play songs for her kids.

We get it. Everybody’s different (thank God!) So that’s why we ask each potential student to come up with a setlist of songs they would like to learn how to play. That will get you started in the right direction.


Whatever you want. Got an itch to memorize the entire Ed Sheeran catalog? No sweat! Let’s say you want to play a blues solo that will make your audience cry tears of joy? That’s great, too! The point is that since everyone is different, everyone gets a different lesson.



Anyone who can sit and listen, receive coaching and instruction, and is teachable is the ideal student. We don’t look at age or ability. If you have a passion, we want to fan that flame and get you where you want to be on the guitar.


Let’s face it. We could sit here and tell you how awesome we are. But hearing someone talk about themselves gets kind of old. Instead, we let our students tell you how we are different.



$130.00 per month for 1 hour a week class.



Fill out the form below or call us now and we will get you started on your dream of playing the guitar the way you have always wanted. Yep, it’s that easy.

Singing Classes
Top-Notch Guitar Classes in United States for Children

More than a hobby, playing the guitar is a passion that lasts for a lifetime. At Piano Guitar Singing Lessons, we provide the best guitar classes in United States to familiarize kids with the ins and outs of playing the musical instrument.

Kids have an attachment to their homes and family members. Any new set up, no matter how comfortable it is, is likely to unsettle them. We offer zoom guitar classes to enable kids to assuage this concern.

Our online Zoom guitar lessons enable kids to learn guitar at home. Whether your kid is a beginner or knows a thing or two about playing the guitar, you can rest assured that he/she will become an expert after taking our course. Our best online guitar lessons cover all bases. Apart from guitar lessons for beginners, it also includes lessons at the advanced level.

We provide guitar classes for kids according to their needs

At Piano Guitar Singing Lessons, we understand the importance of offering guitar lessons to help your kid attain his/her goals. For instance, a kid who wants to play the guitar at the stage will have a different goal from the one who wants to play the musical instrument at the local church.

Based on how they wish to play the guitar, they are also likely to choose different songs. We identify the goal of children and then provide guitar lessons for kids based on the goals they wish to achieve. This allows us to address the requirements of students in a better way.

Our guitar classes for kids are for kids of all age

We provide online guitar classes to kids of all age-groups. We do not segregate kids in this regard as we believe that the passion for playing the guitar knows no boundaries. Besides, parents of kids do not need to be worried about sending their kids to any place for learning the guitar lessons. Because the classes are online, any kid who has the passion to learn how to play the guitar and is able to follow the instructions can attend our online guitar classes.

Why choose us for online guitar lessons for children?

Given the overwhelming number of options for coaching classes on guitar lessons, you may wonder why you should show a preference for us above the other providers. Unlike others, we do not believe in boasting about our achievements. Instead, we let the kids tell us how they feel about our guitar lessons for children.

We provide the best online guitar lessons for beginners at reasonable packages

Apart from being a reliable provider of electric guitar lessons for beginners in the United States, we also take pride in maintaining a brilliant track record of offering them at cost-effective packages.

We provide online guitar lessons for kids for one hour every week at $130.00 every month.

Want to make your kid take our beginner guitar lessons for kids? Enter the details in the form below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps


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We will contact you to match you with the perfect music teacher & get you conveniently scheduled.


Start learning and playing music!